viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

The Time Machine

¡La MÁQUINA DEL TIEMPO llega a la ciudad de Puebla el próximo lunes 28 de enero 2012!

Aparta tu lugar, asiste, diviértete y aprende con esta divertidísima obra, estupendamente montada.

Auditorio del Centro Escolar Morelos (Puebla, Pue.), 9:00 aM.

Informes con el profesor Leonardo García Alonso: teléfono (222) 246 83 87 (por las tardes), celular (22 23) 81 28 99 (a cualquier hora);

(You might take a look to a presentation of this show at Cambridge School of English by clicking here)


At an important university two bright and idealistic students, Nick and Laurie, are longing for something new, something that could change their everyday life. One morning they accidentally meet while reading a sign posted by a professor looking for an assistant. The professor decides to give both of them an opportunity, and reveals that he is working on a time machine and that he just has to solve a mathematical equation in order to travel through time.

The next morning Laurie suggests they all travel to ancient China to find an extinct plant, which can produce a thousand times more oxygen than any plant living today. This plant could help the planet recover from increasing pollution.

Once in the past, they find the plant is closely guarded by Li Tao Ming. Nick distracts him while Laurie tries to take the plant, but a mysterious man comes out of the time machine. Laurie tries to warn Nick but she is quickly pushed into the machine together with the plant and they are whizzed to the future.

Nick and Li Tao Ming discover Laurie and the plant are missing. They follow their tracks through time to the year 2056. They arrive in a dark, cold world, where oxygen is sold in the streets, and it is worth more than gold.

The mysterious man is not alone. He has other plans for the plant and his prisoner Laurie.


(This work is played by the international cº Artspot)


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